There is something about the bonds that we share with our friends that are simply unlike any other relationships in our lives. Brandie and I were destined from the very beginning to be best friends, and since our first meeting 8 years ago, we have been confusing people with our Randi Nichole and Brandie Nicole introductions. She is the kindest, most genuine person I have ever known and being around her has a way of reviving my spirit. No matter how long we are apart, and despite the fact that we cannot talk as often as we'd like, she is such a crucial part of my life. Well, next month, she will walk down the aisle and marry the love of her life. It's been such a beautiful journey for her, and it has been remarkable to be a part of it all. My friend is marrying an incredible man, and in all honesty, I adore him. He loves her and cherishes her and treats her the way all men should treat the women in their lives. They are truly blessed beyond measure and being a part of this process gives me hope for us all.
This weekend, a small group of us traveled to Biloxi, Mississippi to celebrate Brandie's bachelorette weekend. It was not your "typical" bachelorette party. It was relaxed, calm and perfect. We spent time at the pool, soaking up the sunshine before spending the remainder of the day at the spa. The entire weekend was meant to give us all the time to catch up and be pampered. Then, we had an incredible sushi dinner and rounded out the night with hours of girl-talk. It was exactly what we all needed; a chance to soak up every bit of time we could together because those moments are not frequent enough. It was a lovely time and I came home feeling rejuvenated in every way and incredibly blessed for such a beautiful friendship...
Randi Nichole and Brandie Nicole