Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday 'Merica

I feel about the 4th of July the way that most people feel about New Year's Eve. Each year, as I stand wherever my road has led me, I think back on where I was this time last year... and the year prior. I rarely find myself in the same city or state, or with the same people as I did for Independence Days past. Last night, I stayed in town with some of my dearest friends and watched what proved to be the worst fireworks display I've ever seen. Still, it was a wonderful night because of the people I shared it with. I could not, however, help but think about my trip last year to Austin, TX or the year before when we watched the fireworks over the Nashville skyline; or the year before when I sat on a balcony in my grandpa's hometown in Florida watching the bursts up and down the beach with my entire extended family. Maybe it is because it's the summer, and it's easier to travel at this time, but the 4th of July always gives me an excuse to indulge my gypsy soul and my love of glittering fire. I had a wonderful 4th of July in Louisiana, but next year... I'll certainly be elsewhere...

How did you spend Independence day??

Happy 4th of July
- Randi & Lola