Thursday, January 19, 2012

Products I LOVE!

Here's a little secret about me...
I cannot paint my own nails properly.
This is not an exaggeration.
It gets really messy and ugly when I try to paint my own nails.
This does not, however, keep me from attempting such a risky project.
But, awhile ago, I picked up my first bottle of RGB Nail polish
from my hair stylist.
Que the sound of angels singing
Someone came up with a polish that even I cannot screw up!
RGB has some of the most fabulous colors,
and it dries within a minute or so...
This is perfect for impatient, restless people like myself...
Not to mention, that this magical little product was somehow created
so that excess polish can be easily wiped from your fingers
and the brush is a perfect size for even short (nonexistent) nails like mine...

This is when you close your computer
and run out to buy some...

I'll be here when you get back...

1 comment:

  1. um, i SUCK at painting my nails. is it a disorder or something? all of my girlfriends do it in a heartbeat!! love this color, perfect for winter

    xoxo the egg out west.
